With regards to Sea Arrival Manifest (SAM) and Sea Departure Manifest (SDM), CBIC authorities had further clarified as follows Important note: The above information must be submitted in Shipping Instructions for exports.

Important note: For transshipment and in-transit (FROB) containers, above data elements are not required. to Hapag-Lloyd at least 72 hours prior to vessel sailing from last port of call before calling Indian ports. Submit all IGM/SCMT relevant information, House Bill of Lading (HBL) or Cargo Summary Notification (CSN) preferred Container Freight Station (CFS) details etc. The House Bill of Lading (HBL) information needs to be declared in the SAM prior departure from the last port of call.

We would like to draw your attention on the main requirements of SCMTR. While we have embarked upon conducting parallel runs for due submissions of Sea Arrival Manifest (SAM) and Sea Departure Manifest (SDM) with ICEGATE, we earnestly request our customers to kindly come forward and be ready to meet the migration that is expected effective 15 April 2021. Indian Customs have also advised all Shipping Lines to come forward to conduct parallel testing of EGM (Export General Manifest) & IGM filing. We understand Indian Customs have already readied their systems to digitally accept the Shipping Documents from various stake holders. 39/2021-Customs (N.T.) dated 31 March 2021, the SCMTR will come in force effective 15 April 2021. Further to our earlier updates communicated on the India Sea Cargo Manifest (SCMT) Regulations, as advised by the Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs (CBIC) vide their latest Notification No.